Wednesday, January 23, 2013


For lab 1/21/13 we planted a sun flower seed and a gold seed into soil in which we will have to look after as if there were our own "babies". I will update every week on the progress of the two plants  and if the plant appears i will begin document with pictures.

Well I headed to my room after my work out and something told me to check the two flowers out  and surprisingly the sun flower seed has popped out of the dirt. I place my two flower "pots" by the window and have been adding very small amount of water every other day. Well I'm naming the sun flower seed CEASER. Here is a pic !!! after 8 days

My plant now has out grown the cup and I had placed it in a bigger cup tp help the roots grow better.
Its Superbowl Sunday another week has past here is a pic of the sunflower and there has been no progress on the other plant. 2/32013.
2/22/2013 the sunflower is growing but the money seed is not.
This is a picture of  the final outcome for the  Cruz Plaza
Some things that would be consider while construction is in progress would be water flow from pipes and down poor rains, secondly where gas lines and pipe lines run to and how it effect the construction planning, and lastly the flow or traffic for students, faculty and staff how does it change in each phase and if it is feasible to do so.

                                            Soil Texture

Soil is distinguished by particle size. Larger particals are considered sand, medium sized particles are siltd, and the smallest particles are considered clay. The diagram below shows you how much of each partcle you have in a specific type of soil. For example: Sandy clay has 50% sand, 10% silt, and 40% clay.
12 Soil Orders of the World
The picture above is a Munsell Soil color chart.
                                                    The picture below is of the soil layers.

Granite is a light-colored igneous rock with grains large enough to be visible with the unaided eye. It forms from the slow crystallization of magma below Earth’s surface. Granite is composed mainly of quartz and feldspar with minor amounts of micas, amphiboles and other minerals.
Rock formations that are primarily composed of sandstone usually allow percolation of water and other fluids and are porous enough to store large quantities, making them valuable aquifers and petroleum reservoirs.
Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Many lime stones are composed from skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral or foraminifera.
The nearly perfect cleavage, which is the most prominent characteristic of mica, is explained by the hexagonal sheet-like arrangement of its atoms.
A picture of the worlds most powerful dam ever built in mans history. After watching the movie up the Yangtze I learned how other country treat their people and build for their own needs rather than taking care of the whole scope of the people who had to move from the river banks to higher grounds.Also it showed how we as humans can build long lasting source of energy that will generate power to many people whom need it. The down fall is the people who were living in the are near the river were force to relocate to higher grounds. Family had to find a new source to grow food and make money. 
This was a great movie will always be able to watch with family and friends. The store told how people put their lives on the line to make an average living and in the process the danger they are faced with while trying to acheive these goals. The storm was huge and very few survivers lived throughed it. During the movie it showed a tremendous of people that lost there lives out in the ocean.
 The Perfect Storm is a 2000 dramatic disaster film directed by Wolfgang Petersen. It is an adaptation of the 1997 non-fiction book of the same title by Sebastian Junger about the crew of the Andrea Gail that got caught in the Perfect Storm of 1991
Darwin’s Dilemma
 Explores one of the great mysteries in the history of life: The geologically-sudden appearance of dozens of major complex animal types in the fossil record without any trace of the gradual transitional steps Charles Darwin had predicted. Frequently described as “the Cambrian Explosion,” the development of these new animal types required a massive increase in genetic information. “The big question that the Cambrian Explosion poses is where does all that new information come from?”
The flower is growing nicely. the money seed I gave up on.
 1994 Floods in Macon and History
 This is a picture showing all the counties that were affected from the floods in 1994
This man made levy didn't help the excessive water flow into the flat banks to the right which could have helped the flood situation in 1994. The levy is at the Ocumulgee national park the left is a highway.
Walking through the park after heavy rains you will notice this the water that look stationary is build up clay particles. and more towards the middle are sand deposits that are traveling down stream.
This park has a lot of history it use to be a part of town with drug dealers and gangs related activity. The park helped push  most of that activity out . Also the park used to be part of the main port for ice shipment since one of the buildings on the banks produced ice.
The Cherry blossom festival is nationally known and even has more tress then the one in Washington D.C. Spring is coming hope to see them bloom soon.
March 26, 2013

There are two reasons why a structure might be shaped similarly in two different objects. One is that the structure is analogous, meaning that it performs the same function. The wings of a dragonfly and of a bird are analogous, and, in fact, are also analogous to the wings of a 747. In order to fly an object needs to generate lift. This is easily done (in various ways) by having large flat surfaces project out from both sides of the object. Therefore flying things have such structures.

But knowing the function of a structure doesn't necessarily tell us all we want to know about why the structure exists. Part of why a wing exists is to perform a certain function, but part of it lies in the construction of the wing. Perhaps this question is better worded as HOW the wing came to be rather than WHY it came to be. The picture below shows the basic structure of the limbs of several vertebrates. Notice that all the limbs, whether wings, legs, arms, or flippers are built upon the same basic structure. (Diagram from Monroe and Wicander, The Changing Earth, 3rd Edition.)

ALL vertebrate limbs are put together this way, regardless of their use. Clearly there is no analogous similarity between a bat's wing and a horse's leg, and the extreme difference in uses of the two makes the underlying similarity seem unusual. These types of similarity are called homologous and are very interesting indeed.

Biologists generally find depictions of angels absurdly funny because they have two sets of forelimbs. Bird wings are homologous to human arms, not completely different structures. Angels would necessarily have two tibia, two radii, two ulnae, and more than five sets of digits if they really looked like that, not to mention all the attachment bones that would have to be duplicated in the torso, like shoulder blades and collar bones. Then there would have to be two sets of muscles, a huge sternum and keel, ... Even wimpy angels would be barrel-chested individuals indeed! Pegasus, the flying horse of Greek myth, represents the same basic misunderstanding of anatomy.

Rocky Mountain National Park

One of the Most Spectacular and Popular National Parks in the United States around 7000ft around in red outline...

The quintessential beauty of the Colorado Rocky Mountains is showcased in the Rocky Mountain National Park. Unrivaled, breathtaking sites can be found throughout the national park. With elevations ranging from 8,000 feet in the wet, grassy valleys to 14,259 feet at the summit of Longs Peak, visitors can experience a variety of Colorado landscapes and adventures.
The Rocky Mountain National Park is ideal for hiking, biking, fishing, camping, and observing wildlife in its natural habitat.  Participate in free, ranger led programs or explore the magnificent of the park at your own pace. Rocky Mountain National Park provides a unique setting to turn any ordinary wedding, reunion, or vacation into an extraordinary event. 
Appalachian Mountains
View from the slopes of Back Allegheny Mountain, looking east, in the Appalachian Mountains, North America. Visible are Allegheny Mountain (in the Monongahela National Forest of West Virginia, middle distance) and Shenandoah Mountain (in the George Washington National Forest of Virginia, far distance).
Mount Washington
Mt. Washington from Bretton Woods.JPG
Mount Washington, from Bretton Woods.
The cog railway track is visible, on the spur to the left of the summit.
Elevation6,288 ft (1,917 m) NAVD 88[1]
Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288 ft (1,917 m) and the most prominent mountain east of the Mississippi River. It is famous for dangerously erratic weather. For 76 years, until 2010, a weather observatory on the summit held the record for the highest wind gust directly measured at the Earth's surface
Using this website I was able to see what time the sun would be at during variety of times throughout the day.
 Types of leaves.
pictures of types of trees.
Solar Trajectory Diagram
Sun path refers to the apparent significant seasonal-and-hourly positional changes of the sun (and length of daylight) as the Earth rotates, and orbits around the sun. The relative position of the sun is a major factor in the heat gainof buildings and in the performance of solar energy systems.
For my solar trajectory project I found a pole at the football field construction site since I work there that measured 3ft. 4.5 in. tall. On March 6th, I measured the shadows cast by the sun at three different times: 7:55 A.M., 10:45 A.M., and 5:20 P.M.
Below shows my calculations on the projectory I got with my measurements.
Cemetery Demography Project

Female Male DX dx Ix Qx
20-29 1 1 2 0.1 1 0.1
30-39 1 0 1 0.05 0.95 0.053
40-49 1 1 2 0.1 0.85 0.118
50-59 1 1 2 0.1 0.75 0.133
60-69 1 4 5 0.25 0.50 0.500
70-79 2 3 5 0.25 0.25 1.000
80-89 1 2 3 0.15 0.10 1 .5
grand total                                    20
 Data calculated at the Riverside Cemetery in Macon
Last movie watched in class
Thermal deep sea vent ecosystem where multiple of new species live of the chemical reaction of minerals coming out of the earths ground from fresh lava interacting with ocean water to create its own ecosystem
. If you think about these organism are trapped deep into our earth crust which i finally relaesed into the right conditions to live in strive through a reaction we called life that we have not been explain when exactly it clicks on but it crazy how fast the changes happen so fast and over a period time the organisms and bacteria begin to adapt to there living conditons. The survivial of the fittest on lives. Some animals use plants to for shelter and a source of food. Life is every where we just have to find it and then understand how it works.
Giant tube worms, Riftia pachyptila
They have a highly vascularized, red "plume" at the tip of their free end which is an organ for exchanging compounds with the environment (e.g., H2S, CO2, O2, etc.). The tube worm does not have many predators, as few creatures live on the sea bottom at such depths. If threatened, the plume may be retracted into the worm's protective tube. The plume provides essential nutrients to bacteria living inside a specialized organ within its body (i.e., trophosome) as part of a symbiotic relationship. They are remarkable in that they have no digestive tract, but the bacteria (which may make up half of a worm's body weight) turn oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide
 Thermeal vents 2 hours below the surface.
So awesome
The discovery of the deep-sea hydrothermal vents in 1977 opened new areas of research for Jannasch, whose name soon became synonymous with deep sea microbiology. Measurements by Jannasch and colleagues of the growth rates of vent bacteria and the role of chemosynthetic primary production based on the use of sulfur compounds has had major implications for deep sea microbial ecology and potential links to the origin of life on earth. In 1996 Jannasch was honored when a new microorganism, a representative of Archaea, one of the three major life groups on earth, was named for him: Methanococcus jannaschii. This species is one of the few microbes whose entire genome is known. That same year the Institution established the Holger W. Jannasch Chair in recognition of his many accomplishments and contributions to the Institution.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My guess was W=246ft and L=238ft  so WxLxH=246*238*0.04=2341.92ft^3
Actual  was  W=242.38 and L=238.55 so   actual= 2312.79ft^3
Convert ft^3 to gallons totaled to be 17,518.7782 gallons